Suddenly George’s head and face were covered in blood. A sand dune board flew up out of control and cut his head in a place where he couldn’t address it himself. Anyone who knows Geo understands that he’s built to help others, but he’d rather jump off a bridge than receive it. To stop the bleeding and begin healing, he had to accept help. First, I staunched the blood on the dunes, then a nurse who happened to be nearby cleaned the wound in the parking lot. Next two rangers dressed it, and later a lady assisted in a different way. To my great surprise, at no time did George object - because he’d become aware of the lesson presenting itself. The scar will forever remind him that receiving help is important,too. Any unexpected challenge - even a bloody head gash - is your soul calling you to awareness of the healing needed at that exact moment. Accepting the sacred invitation or continued resistance is your ever-present choice. I’m Rev Doc Lisa, IntegralHealer, and I’m with you on the Journey.