Here’s a trick to help you connect. Rather than a simple “Thank you,” express a three part appreciation. First, make sure it’s a good time for the person to receive an appreciation. Then take a moment to pause and look into their eyes. Say what it is you appreciate, your feelings that arise, and a bit about what it reminds you of from your past. As an example, here’s one I gave to my partner George: I appreciate how each night you set up the coffee so it’s ready for me in the morning. I feel cared for and supported. It reminds me of when I was a little girl feeling sad because I was the only kid in my class without a homemade lunch from mom. Appreciations leave my partner feeling seen, affirmed, valued and uplifted, and nourish our connection in a way Thank You’s simply can’t. Try an appreciation at home, work or with friends, waiters or the car wash guy. You’ll be amazed at how connected and good you’ll both feel. I’m Rev Doc Lisa, IntegralHealer, and I’m with you on the journey. 1.