What would you like to leave behind this new year? Why not Create a renewal ceremony to sanctify your intentions and strongly imprint them onto your conscious and subconscious minds? This year I’m creating a ceremony with dried rosemary to waft my written intentions upward and outward. I’ll center myself with three slow deep breaths with this invocation - Divine Source, Bless the burning of what I wish to leave behind, and witness and support my intentions. One by one I’ll burn them, saying each one aloud. For example, I leave behind a resentment I’ve carried since July. Create a renewal ceremony for things you wish leave behind OR to attract, with fire, water, burial or any Earth- friendly rite. Take your time. Make it special. The Universe will respond. [a] Doing this around your birthday is especially powerful. I’m Rev Doc Lisa, IntegralHealer, and I’m with you on the Journey. [a]@reverendlisagraham@gmail.com ok ill do it! :) _Assigned to Lisa Graham_