What are you thankful for, this Thanksgiving? My beautiful 11 year old Tinkerbell had a health scare recently. So I give thanks for Ted, the Veterinarian performed her emergency high risk abdominal surgery. He also removed a tumor since she was already under - which turned out to be cancerous. And you know... I give thanks for the tumor. Because now it’s front and center that Tink and I have limited Earth time together, and I get to make that time count. Hear that? We’re going to the beach! And so I also give thanks for Time. And for Tinkerbell, of course, who came into my life when I was single and horribly lonely, and has been the best companion ever. Not that I’m biased. There’s so much to be thankful for. Even sometimes tumors. I’m Rev. Doc. Lisa, IntegralHealer. And I’m with you on the Journey.