Want a powerful New Year’s resolution that’s got nothing to do with diet, exercise or meditation? This year, how about actually saying what you want to say? There’s no doubt that if we don’t let it out, it goes IN, manifesting as pain or digestive, weight, back, thyroid, throat or other problems. So it's self care to express yourself! Now, perhaps you feel you just can’t. Maybe you learned early that what you had to say sparked ridicule, or was simply ignored. Maybe someone else in the family took up all the oxygen - only their world mattered. So you learned to just stay quiet - or worse, to disconnect from yourself so much that you don’t even know how you feel or what you want. But there’s always a price to pay for keeping it in - and sometimes it’s serious. This year, why not resolve to figure out what you need to say… and say it. For your own wellbeing. I’m here to help. I’m Rev Doc Lisa, IntegralHealer, and I’m with you on the journey. Copyright 2024 IntegralHealer, all rights reserved.