Your Frustrations are GOOD? WTF!? They’re good because they tell you what you want. They’re wishes in disguise! Next time you’re frustrated, ask yourself - WTF - Why the Frustration? What do I want in this situation that I’m not getting? You know, we’re so good at criticizing people for all the stuff we don’t want. The real skill lies in asking for what we do want in a way that can be heard, and maybe even provided. I can give you a precise tool that lets you express any frustration - and the wish underneath - in a gentle way. When I replaced criticism with this tool in my primary relationship, our lives changed so much that now we see life in two parts - before Safe Conversations, and after. Interested? Check out my workshop. I’m Rev Doc Lisa, IntegralHealer, and I’m with you on the Journey. Copyright 2023 @IntegralHealer, all rights reserved. *