It’s pretty clear that we’re not getting off this roller coaster anytime soon. What might actually surprise you is that this unstable time has long been predicted in various ways by the spiritual community… and that it has purpose. What purpose could all this possibly have? Well, humanity is in a time of seeing things that were hidden from mass view, such as systemic corruption, abuse of power and bold-faced lying. The Poisoning by Power of our physical, mental and spiritual selves, the stark inequality, injustice and economic enslavement. In the near future, we’ll experience more aggressive initiatives that may very well shock and rock our personal and collective worlds, including an absolute mess of a U.S. election and radical geopolitical shifts… even seismic change in the Earth herself. All this is necessary. That’s because here on Earth, nothing changes for the better until the horrible truth is undeniable, until pressure mounts to tip the scales. Being shaken up - having the truth shoved in our faces - is (unfortunately) a prerequisite to fundamental change. Without the shocks, we’d just continue to deny what’s happening - the utter failure of our democracy, for example. Denial of the uncomfortable until the last possible moment is a flaw of human nature. My clients and I are feeling this personally. It’s no fun to suddenly have to face a big truth I’ve kept shoving under the rug, a truth that is rocking my world in a way so deep I sometimes want someone to stop the world so I can get off it. But it’s not really a time to rush to judgment or to our responses, but rather to allow the pieces to continue to fall and to gather information while seeking serenity in turbulent waters. Remember that this systemic crumbling is necessary for good people to hear the call for change and to build new systems that enshrine freedom, fairness and equality. Remember too that your spirit chose to be here at this time in history because it is a great opportunity to grow your own soul as well as participate in this important “upgrade” of humanity. I fully understand that this feels like small consolation for those personally most affected, like the poor souls HurricaneIan recently ravaged, victims of current and coming violence and those whose fortunes will yet fall in myriad ways. We absolutely must band together and support each other as we move through this tumult, rather than allow for further rending division. But it’s also helpful to focus on the larger picture, realizing that what’s occurring is necessary medicine for your own transformation and the good of humanity (and for America, so that it can be true to its founding ideals of liberty and equality). The house is rotting. That’s not a repair job. It’s a gut job. As the broken systems crumble, I invite you to - -Limit what enters your energy field, so you can remain centered. -Live with gratitude and love for yourself, for others and for our Earth. -Lift your eyes to the larger picture, and to God. -Look beyond the destruction and collapse, remembering that nothing is birthed without pain. And lastly, envision the rainbows that come after the storm. For they will come. It’s a time when we Americans must once again decide what we stand for. Remember too that we are all connected, all human beings who want to live, enjoy, create and express the divine spark within us. For a long time, the controlled media have been successful in “programming” us - pitting us against one another - capitalizing on our fears - instead of against the real power and corruption that poisons, enslaves and suppresses us. Don’t fall for it. Don’t fall into hate. Stay in Love. What is happening now echoes our nation’s birth. America was crafted and founded because colonists objected to what they consider an unfair corrupt system in which they have no voice, supporting with taxes they had no voice in creating a king they did not choose. It’s so interesting the recent popularity of Hamilton, bringing these themes to America’s consciousness just as we enter this inevitable tumult. Today even the doubters admit that our democracy has failed (85% of all elections are predetermined based on corrupt districting)- we are again objecting to unelected kings- lying politicians and billionaires and the corrupt and rigged system that installs and maintains them while working against the rest of us. For the vast majority, Life’s getting more complicated and enslaving every day. Our unelected kings include both politicians and billionaires, who can pretty much do whatever they want and get away with it.