
I’m Rev Doc Lisa, IntegralHealer, and I’m making Vitamin D as the sun’s rays hit my skin. But I also supplement, because for various reasons (like food and lifestyle) science tells us that most everyone needs more than we get from the sun.

We know without a doubt that maintaining Vitamin D blood levels helps optimize just about every aspect of wellness and significantly lowers risk of all kinds of disease. For over 11 years in my holistic healing practice, I’ve advised Vitamin D supplementation, and how I’m super excited to offer you a consciously designed, properly balanced and economical formula - so you can easily maintain the Vitamin D blood levels you really need to be healthy. Importantly, It's synergized with Vitamin K2, because without that, taking extra D is like having a car with no gas - it ain’t getting you anywhere.

It’s in a purple bottle, and I hope you like it.

I’m Rev Doc Lisa, and I’m with you on the journey.