"Stonewalling" Hurts. Here's Why.
Since we're wired for connection, stonewalling - or the withdrawal of connection - is as devastating as a direct attack. But relationships don't have to be this hard. To learn more, contact me or visit ConverseToConnect.com.
Click here to download video transcript.
Change Your Life: Resolve to Be Negativity Free!
Make the commitment to be negativity-free in your relationships in 2025; it's absolutely life changing! If you'd like to learn more, contact me or visit ConverseToConnect.com.
Click here to download video transcript.
Toss the Toxic Textiles! Dress in Real.
Wanna know the sneaky source of some of your inflammation and disrupted hormones? It’s your stretchy pants, your cozy blanket, and even your soft, squishy bath mat. Watch this month’s Wellness Tip video to find out more.
Click here to download video transcript.
Want more Love? Learn how to Listen.
To have real love in your life, you've gotta listen. Really listen, which is a whole-body experience that we're never taught. Learn concrete skills like real listening that make your relationships great. It's not therapy - it's better.
Click here to download video transcript.
Whaaat?! To Avoid miscommunication- use this tip!
People need to be heard - but there's only one way to make sure you got what someone said - Mirror and check accuracy.
Click here to download video transcript.
Do this Now - You’re gonna need it!
Immersing myself in nature's beauty is my go-to centering tool, but what's yours? In this time of upheaval, we each must identify natural centering tools so they're at our fingertips with no dependence on a substance.
Click here to download video transcript.
There’s Opportunity Behind Today’s Chaos
What do the current world chaos and George's recent heart attack have in common? Opportunity.
Click here to download video transcript.
Learn to Listen… or you might lose them!
Think you're a good listener? Research shows most of us believe we’re great - but we actually on average process only 30% of what someone says! In a context of tension or fighting - the amount processed can go down to near zero.
Click here to download video transcript.
End the repeating fight.
Find yourself caught in basically the same argument, over and over? There's a reason for that - and a way to end the cycle. Yes, there’s hope! To learn more, contact me or visit ConverseToConnect.com.
Click here to download video transcript.
Are you (unknowingly) Impolite and Toxic?!
So many of us are both impolite and toxic - and we don’t even know it! Learn how to protect your health and your manners when it comes to fragrance in t
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Don’t be fooled by evil in disguise.
Good people get fooled by bad people all the time - for they cleverly disguise their evil. I've been fooled myself and have counseled countless others in the same boat. So how do you know if someone is good?
Learn how to handle evil people safely with the skills of Safe Conversations.
Click here to download video transcript.
Say What You Want- It’s the HOW that Matters.
It’s not what you say, but how you say it that matters. Learn how to ask for what you need in a way that won’t trigger your listener or make people feel interrogated. Experience a Safe Conversations Workshop.
Click here to download video transcript.
Romantic Love is a Trick… with a Purpose!
The truth about romantic love will set you free. But first, it will tick you off. Once you're done being ticked off, you can align yourself with romantic love's true purpose: Healing. Want to learn how? Learn the skills with me in a private online Safe Conversations Workshop.
Click here to download video transcript.
Speak Up… or Pay a Price!
Keeping what's on our hearts inside takes a toll on our physical, emotional or spiritual health. But what if you just can't find a way to say it? What if it isn't safe to say it? Learn how to say what you need to say in a way that won't cause a fight, or put people on the defensive. Experience a Safe Conversations Workshop.
Click here to download video transcript.
Block Toxic Family "Hacks" with a Personal Firewall (at the Holidays, or Anytime!)
Concerned about negativity when “home for the holidays”? Armed with a personal firewall, the “hackers” won’t get in. You might even enjoy yourself! If someone in your family is willing to learn new connecting skills with you, consider gifting them my next online Safe Conversations Workshop.
Click here to download video transcript.
Hanging in Horror these Holidays?
You can't fix what's going on out there. Instead of helplessly hanging around, hearing horrible news, join me and harness the holiday energy to usher into our own little corners of the world the loving conditions we also wish to see out there. Because peace on Earth starts at home. Join me at one of my Safe Conversations Workshops to learn how.
Click here to download video transcript.
WTF?! Frustrations are GOOD?
Yes! Frustrations are GOOD. They show you what you want, and you can use them as a tool for connection in your relationships. Once you identify the wish underneath your frustration, it's possible that you might even get it! Learn the skills to improve all your relationships - and get what you want - in a Safe Conversations Workshops.
Click here to download video transcript.
So you think you can heal… alone?
Unfortunately you can't heal alone. At least, not fully. Self-healing work is important, but has its definite limits. The truth is that it's in relating to others that we know where we've actually improved, and where the work still lies. None of us learn the skills of relating. But now you can learn them in a Safe Conversations Workshop or privately online or in person in Miami.
Create a Lifetime of Good Relationships.
Be honest: are you good at relationships? Imagine being empowered to create a lifetime of good relationships - and to pass those skills and understandings down to the next generation? Learning and integrating this new skill set has changed my life, and it can change yours. Learn Safe Conversations in a workshop, or privately online or in person.
Click here to download video transcript.
How to be “Nice” in Your Relationships
What does it even mean to be "nice" to someone? To learn more about how to be kind to one another - and have a lot less conflict - please join me for an online Safe Conversations Workshop. You'll learn the skills you need to understand and succeed in all your relationships!
Negative Self-talk is self-abuse.
Self-criticism is self abuse that stops us from manifesting our greatest potential - if we let it. But there IS another way. Eliminating criticism will transform your relationships, including the most important one - the one you have with yourself. A Safe Conversations workshop will start you on the path.
Click here to download video transcript.
Are Your Friendships Emotionally Safe?
How do you know they won’t go off the rails when you fall into conflict? Would you get stonewalled - or stonewall yourself? Now there’s something you can do to help make your friendships emotionally safer. Learn the skills you need in a Safe Conversations Workshop with me.
Transform Your Relationships.
Every human heart longs for connection, yet most of us struggle with it. If you could learn a skill that could vastly improve your relationships, would you learn it? Well, for the first time, you can do just that, with Safe Conversations. The best way to begin is with a workshop.
Forgiveness is for YOU.
Are you stuck in the hole of unforgiveness? Forgiveness is hard! But it’s necessary for peace and fulfillment.
What’s Hysterical is Historical!
Triggers are there because of past pain. The good news is that your triggers light the way to healing! Safe Conversations is a new way of relating that diffuses triggers and brings healing to you and your loved ones. To learn more, see my services page.
So some powerful things happened to you. Now what?
The value is in integrating them, and growing from them.
Everyone wants real connection. So why is it so hard to get and maintain?
Because we were never taught how to talk and listen in a way that connects us. But now there’s a way to learn how. It’s called Safe Conversations. To learn more, see my services page.
When things are unstable, here’s help staying sane.
We still need help keeping calm, even when rapid change and instability has divine purpose! Quick tips and tricks.
Breast Cancer “Awareness” isn’t enough.
I’m fed up with the annual overt focus on “awareness” that pays no heed to prevention. We deserve better.
In a Funk? Try this fix.
I was seriously down. Like a miracle, this hack never fails me. Why not give it a shot?
Lessons at Every Turn. Even in a Head Gash.
It wasn’t pretty, but it sure led to a pretty important lesson in balance for George.
Seeking Commitment? This truth helps.
Men and women are different when it comes to relationships. And woe to the wonderful woman who disregards this truth, as failure to apply it can ruin a potentially wonderful thing.
Stay in Your Power, even at the doctor’s office.
.You're the expert on how you feel. Don't let anyone ignore, brush aside or ridicule you when you're explaining something about your own health or intuition. Did you know that you're actually legally entitled to a basic level of dignity and respect?
Are all your relationship problems your fault?
My new fertility client’s husband told her that their problems were all her fault. Sound like you or someone you know? It isn’t true.
Inner Guidance Graces Pristine Places
Access your “gut knowing” or intuition more easily in natural, pristine places. It can guide you forward.
Create Connection Quickly.
Thank You's don’t get to the heart. Using an easy 3 part Appreciation is a quick and wonderful way to create real connection (with anyone, really!) - and the good feelings that come with it. You'll be amazed at the results!
What’s your "I hate" Creating?
We say “I hate” so casually. Bringing consciousness to your “I hates” will improve your life and bring more love in. Bonus: I include a little minister’s trick you can play with. : )
Easy Intention Ceremony. Create a Better Year!
Here’s how to create a simple ceremony to powerfully energize the leaving behind of what you don’t want and the inviting in of what you do.
What a Pain in the Neck!
Easy 6 part neck and shoulder stretch routine for relief. Modify how long it takes by changing the number of breaths per stretch.
Tinkerbell, Tumor, Ted and Time:
Thanksgiving Thankfulness
What are you thankful for, this Thanksgiving? There’s so much to be thankful for. Even sometimes… tumors.
Time to Awaken
The very soul of the US, the planet’s beacon of freedom and of government by the people and for the people, is at stake.
Nurture Your Relationship with Nature.
It supports your physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Here’s one simple way.
Driving Revelations
Driving is a window into your soul. Use it to learn about yourself and to begin to make change.
When Letting Go of Stuff is Hard.
An uncluttered home is a prerequisite to moving nimbly through life's journey. But managing our belongings can be difficult, requiring intention, discipline and even courage. One thing's for sure: discarding gets easier each time you push through the discomfort.
If we don’t Heal Ourselves, we Hurt Ourselves.
Unaddressed pain comes out in other ways that hurt ourselves… and sometimes others.
The Gift of the Pandemic: Sink, Swim, Re-Create.
Some of us sank, some treaded water, and some took the opportunity to swim in a new direction. Transforming obstacles into stepping stones is the path of the SoulCrafter.
Why Vitamin D Really Matters.
Learn what Vitamin D blood levels have to do with your health (a LOT), and why you really should be supplementing this inexpensive and crucial Vitamin. Plus, get 20% OFF your first purchase!
Practice the Pause.
Be Responsive, Not Reactive. For more Peace in your life, learn to Practice the Pause. (Not easy, but an admirable goal we can all strive to meet).
Your Water is Poison. What you MUST know, and what you can Do.
Empower yourself with essential knowledge about your polluted water. How it’s harming you, and what you can do to protect yourself and your family, including basic water filter options.
Apply the Natural Principle. Your Health depends on it.
The technological revolution in chemicals, plastics and pharmaceuticals has so polluted our bodies with hormone-altering chemicals, that our very survival as a species is undeniably in doubt. Our government isn’t helping. To protect yourself and your family, make "Natural" your Guiding Principle.
You’re here for a reason: Soul School
Your beautiful soul came here with a purpose: to learn and to grow. Your approach to life’s inevitable challenges can ease your soul's journey. Check out this short video for a helpful tip!
Want it All? Simplify Your Life. Elevate Quality over Quantity.
The ability to elevate Quality over Quantity is an important skill for your Life Journey. Simplifying Life gives the initiatives you really want to thrive an actual chance to succeed. Steve Jobs famously said: "Quality is better than Quantity. One Home Run is Better than Two Doubles." Here I invite you to weed out the doubles in the Garden of Your Life, so you can have more Home Runs!
Growth Opportunity: New Year’s Resolutions for the Soul
Healing and growing in body, mind and spirit and expressing ourselves creatively are the reasons we're HERE. In this short video, I invite you to reflect on an area where you feel you could improve yourself, and then choose a New Year's Resolution to Help Grow Your Soul!
Be Pandemic Winter Ready: Two Key Chinese Medicinal Formulas
Under 2 minute video on Covid Treatment and Protection with Chinese Herbal Medicine. For more information, read the December 2020 Newsletter "Herbal Pandemic Prep and Holiday Happiness Guarantee" here.
How to do an Effective Salt Water Gargle - Clear Mucous and Toxins, Relieve Pain!
You've probably heard about it and may even have done it before, but here's how to do an EFFECTIVE Salt Water Gargle. This is an easy, almost free and HUGELY UNDERUSED hack that's scientifically proven to quickly relieve sore throats and congestion from allergies. It clears mucus and allergens/toxins from the throat, reduces bacteria, and relieves sore throat pain fast! But don't believe me - try it yourself. For more information, read the October 2020 Newsletter "Cold and Flu Season on Steroids" here.
Wellness Hacks When Working from Home
Once lockdown began, I teamed up with other experts to bring you Wellness Tips geared for those working from home.
Feeling Anxious?
7 Simple Strategies to Help Maintain Peace
Anxiety getting to you these days? Here are 7 Simple Strategies that help maintain peace. Try one a day for a week, and see which works best for you!
Herbal Medicine in the Time of Covid-19
In this short video, I review symptoms of Covid 19 and explain why some people end up in the hospital, and how Chinese Herbal Medicine can help.
3 Simple Ways to Boost Your Immune System from IntegralHealer
As we face the Covid 19 Pandemic, boosting your immune system is crucial. Here's a short video outlining 3 simple ways.
Dealing with Coronavirus Anxiety - Speaking with a Counselor
When she interviewed me, Janette Janero, Personal Trainer and Creator of The Naked Formula opened up about her emotional struggles - struggles many of us share at this time. Here’s our conversation, and my recommendations.